Friday, July 16, 2010

it's over guys..

erm,its over..ak taw kaw pk ak kejam coz tk phm situation kaw,tapi ak mmg da takleh tahan.kite mcm bkn sape2 da.ak mintak maaf sgt2 kalo sakitkn hati people can judge but its me who feels it and bear its.i hope you all understands why im making this decision,ak bt nie pun after da pk byk2 kali.bkn secara rushing n mcm tue jer.mcm ikut kate nana,'baek kaw buat solat sunat istikharah'..haha :) tak berkesempatan lagi ak nk bt sume tue.lain kali insyaallah kot,mcm ak bace at least bile kne soal bile mati nanti pernah bt tk,blh laa jwb pernah.even sekali seumur hidup matter on what reason you did it.and thanks a lot coz kaw still blh terima utk jadi kawan ak.i apprteciate it a lot..:)

and finally,hari sukan telah berlangsung dgn jaya nye.haha saat yg di tunggu2,tp ak pun tataw laa nape ak minat sgt sukan,hehe :D i just love it!and ak da start ganti puase,da lima hari ganti. korang da ke?haha :) ade empat hari lagi to be continued,chaiyok chaiyok!and oh,ak dpt three medals on sports day.1gold n for 4x200m,silver for 4x100m n 100m.huhu :) kire sume acara yg ak masuk sume dpt medal.okay laa tue kn?disebabkn hari sukan dibuat pd hari khamis then kite org dpt cuti hari nie.huhu,syok dpt cuti tga hari!:D nk kuar tgk eclipse,tp tk dpt nk pegi lagi coz rakde sape nk temankn.aish,geram btl tk dpt tgk jealous coz everyone says it was like superb awesome..:( i wanna go n see it,please go with me,hehe :)

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