Saturday, November 27, 2010

i love you

haha,disebabkan status fb ak yg merepek tue mama call.die tanye,'ade ape2 mslh ke?'ak jwb 'hehe,takde ape laa ma..' (: cuak ak kot,haha.nothing to worry laa ma okay?thanks for caring. iloveyousomuch! :D

holidays.. :D

it's been a while school holidays have started peoples.just im getting the lazy sindrom to updates this blog..heee (: currently is at taman desa kl,at my aunt's house.haih,nak balek KD but tak tercapai jugak lagi cita2 yg satu tue.haha :D nanti2 laa kot,insyaallaah.nak jumpe mamat,hehe rindu sikit kat die.*okay nie aku tipu,aku rindu byk kat die! (: kaw patut tahu kaw sape.haha

disebabkan ak dilanda kebosanan,so ak pun start laa maen game pelik2 kat fb tue.haha :D da mcm budak2 da ak nie..hehe :P syok pulak ak maen.

dear you,ak da penat laa asyik gaduh jer dgn kaw.blh tak kite end jer benda nie once and for all. aman sikit hidup.kaw tak pernah nak paham ak pun.kaw taw tak?TAK PERNAH!kite clash jelah weyh,senang cite.haha,single senang sikit.takde serabut sgt..sorry laa,bukan ak tk syg kaw.syg,kaw yg buat ak mcm nie.ak rase kite mmg takleh get together.sorry! (:

AIN FITRAH AZHARI.nak present ape for birthday?akak tak reti laa nak belikan ape utk adek as a present.sbb tak pernah belikan present utk org,org belikan present utk akak ade laa.haha :D so,make a wish laa.jgn mahal2 sudah,bankrap akak nanti.hehe (: ily adek!

*da laa,tataw nak ckp ape da.hehe :P see ya later..

Friday, November 19, 2010


haih,nape laa makin ramai member2 lame yg ak jumpe kat facebook skrg nie?redha jelah.. (:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

school 2010..

fuh,mcm tak caye jer ak dpt survive duk hostel dowh.dulu mase nk pegi tue mcm2 da pk.tkt tk dpt nk dpt jugak ak survive duk hostel kat SMTKN nie.hehe (: form4 da habes kot.tahun depan nak naek form5 da,sumpah cuak!mcm tk caye jer da kne amik SPM! boleh igt lagi kot time ak amik UPSR dulu..haha :D

final da nk tunggu habis tue punye laa seksa sgt kot.sampai stay up!hehe (: sumpah, soalan2 yg JPN buat sume dasyat2.boleh kene heart attack ak tengok.huhu but,takpe laa.lupekan jer coz da habes kot.result pun da dpt.mcm biase laa bro,add math ak still failed!tk pernah hayat nk lulus.bile laa ak nk dpt A utk add math ie kalo nk lulus pun da sussaah?? -__- the result ak just dapt 2A jer which is for my english and engineering drawing.dpt number 1 kot dalam kelas.haha.sumpah sakai!dalam form lak dpt number 27.haha,dalam top 30 kot.mmg ak kne masuk kelas 5BESTARI kan tahun depan?huhu,tak,bile pk2 balek nk jugak.coz ak menyampah duk dlm kelas skrng.hehe :P

selamat hari raye haji korang.. (: nak balek KD,rindu korang sume!tp,tgk laa mcm mane.kalo takde ape2,insyaallah.sampai jugak ak nie.hehe.but,this christmas mmg confirm ak dtg sane.coz my cazen kawen.hee :D nak kuar,nk tgk cite HARRY POTTER yg baru tue.huhu,bile kite nk kuar ie bie? (: and,bile nk dpt bear barney yg boleh nyanyi tue bie? :D nak jugak,nak jugak! :P

next year,dak teknik da tk pkai school uniform kot.terpakse pakai baju korporat.da la kaler oren.kaw paham tak?KALER OREN!sumpah da mcm FELDA jer ak rase,tk pun mcm CLEANER!haha :D redha jelah kot.

*rindu ADILIANS a lots! (: miss korang like orang gilak..

Sunday, October 24, 2010

final war.. -__-

pergh,war starts tomorrow peoples..huhu *sesak dada memikirkan takpe,nie semua dugaan.verily after each difficulty there is a relief right? (: sabar jelah,biase laa exam kan.student life kan?normal thing laa.haha,don't trouble the trouble if you don't want the trouble to trouble you.. :D live well or live hell,you choose.ngee (:

bie,be MY WONDERWALL? (: i trust you with all my heart dear.i know you love me right?hehe i hope that our relationship will last forever,not like before anymore.i know that i did a lot of mistakes towards you and i'm sorry.i promise that i will change for you.. (: i will be with you come hell or high's not a crime to fall in love for the second time right?haish,everything is okay in the end,if it's not okay then it's not the end.haha,life is all about risks dear,and it requires you to jump! (: ntahapapa jer ak merepek kan?betul laa ak da putus fius.haha :D

i smile.i laugh.i lie.i pretend.i really hurts.*cilok org punye ayat..haha (: best kot ayat tue, touching jer..huh,life breaks me all.but in the end i'm stronger in my broken places.reality hurt, truth bites,living's killing,todays torture and yesterday are just as bad,but i do believe in God's love.i'm living because of His love.. (: there are times when strangers are like family and family are like strangers.

*HLOVATE,i phylic you laa.sumpah all your karya is very motivational..i likeee (: abaikan,FARAH HANNA HIDAYAH sudaa putus fius.. :D